Thursday 28 July 2011

Alberta Health Services

The Alberta health care system has been in turmoil for a long time and is often criticized but I just want to point out that some things do work very well.

I really appreciate the Alberta Breast Cancer Screening Program which provides annual checkups in rural areas like Claresholm. A mobile mammography site has been set up in a bus which arrives every year for a few days and a notification arrives in the mail. How great is that? There is no excuse for not having this life saving check up done when you can do it right here without leaving town.

I am very surprised that a year has already gone by and I am grateful that someone keeps track of this as I certainly don’t. I promptly called to make an appointment as this is just something that has to be done.

At the bottom of my reminder it suggests that I ask my friends to do this also, so if you are of the screening age consider yourself reminded.

Check it out at

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