Sunday 22 May 2011

I'm back!

Just got back from our two week European vacation with my parents and what an amazing trip that was.  We spent time together and separately and I am now convinced that my husband is a saint!  He patiently hung out with family and friends who did not speak English and he was subjected to multiple visits to churches and castles.  He was a wonderful bartender and assured us that he had a great time.

I spent lots of time with my mother as we started each day with a walk on the beach before breakfast and we drove around looking at both my parents’ home towns and listened to stories from their childhood.  The more time you spend together the more tolerance and patience you get for other people, especially someone older and a bit slower.

I did feel a bit guilty about leaving the kids behind but they survived and it is now a major goal to be able to take another trip next year together with them. 

It was also nice to get back to and see family and friends again and I am so happy that we spent the time and money doing this – lots of great memories were made during these two weeks.

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