Wednesday 20 April 2011

Time is short and so is patience!

How to raise a happy and healthy teen-ager?  I have been reading the book “Hear Me, Hug Me, Trust Me” by Scott Wooding and I think it should be required reading for all parents of teen-agers.  I recognized myself in many of the statements kids made about parents and also realized that we are doing lots of things right.

The stress of everyday living adds to the reaction or over-reaction of teens and parents.  The kids are involved in so many activities outside of school, often every night of the week and so are the parents.  Since we often live farther away from the schools it means that the kids now also commute which results in longer days.  Add to the fact the emotional state of the parents who themselves are often physically and mentally exhausted and often arguments can become far worse than they should be.  The stress of modern living is the major difference between the modern teen and those of previous generations.

Spend more time together – parents have become scarce at home.  Dr. Wooding thinks the phrase “quality time” was invented by a guilty parent.  There is no such time as quality time, there is only time with your kids.
Not only is time short, but so is patience.  Minor mistakes by children become major issues to tired parents.

Teens think that parents work too much!  So do I.

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