Saturday 9 April 2011

The Church Fundraiser

Last night we were invited to a church fundraiser at the Danish Canadian Club for the Danish Lutheran Church and it was great fun. My brother-in-law had purchased a table for 10 and we happily drove the 2 hours there for dinner.

During dinner we got to bid on several items in the silent auction and I was the winning bidder of a tour at Viking Air Ltd. for 10 people to which Kevin can now invite interested people from our family.

Today we are spending the day at a basketball tournament in Taber and I get the whole day to decide what to cook for our Sunday Dinner. It looks like oven roasted chickens, stuffed with lemons and garlic and sweet potato Mac and Cheese made with ricotta cheese as per Julie.  For dessert I am making another carrot cake as it disappeared quickly last time I made it.

Sunday is Family Night and Lindsey is coming home so we are going to celebrate having the family together again for a day. Tonight I will start no knead bread so it will be ready to bake tomorrow afternoon and be ready for Sunday dinner.

I also get to check off an item on my bucket list in two weeks – I am finally becoming a Canadian Citizen on April 21st and I am so excited and so grateful for this. With everything going on in the world I am so lucky to be living in this amazing country, safe from war, earth quakes, tsunamis and political unrest. Being able to go to bed at night and be reasonably assured that no bombs will fall while we sleep is something that we have always taken for granted.

This week I am reading “Nice Girls Don’t get Rich” by Lois Frankel which is a book about one of my favorite topics: MONEY. I agree with her that we must take the time to understand money and she suggest that we set aside time to learn about money and investments in order to make better decisions.  She has lots of ideas of how to get a better understanding of investments which is something women must do even if they don't have any interest in the subject.  I just love this quote by Sofie Tucker:

“From birth to eighteen a girl needs good parents. From eighteen to thirty-five she needs good looks. From thirty-five to fifty-five she needs a good personality. From fifty-five on she needs cash”.

Let me know what you are planning for dinner tomorrow.

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