Tuesday 5 April 2011

Bucket List

I have been working diligently on my 30-60-90 day plan and it is now completed. It is a day-by-day plan of things that I would like to have completed by July 1st. Anything from a garage sale in May, replacing light fixtures throughout the house to painting the spare bedroom. I have even planned the books that I want to have read by then and I have a pile of recipes to try also. I will then plan on taking a well deserved break in July.

My focus of the blog so far has been on this year – what would the biggest regret be if this year was my last? Now I have started a list of things that I would like to do before I croak and it is now in my Book of Possibilities. I am up to number 72 so I am still working on it. Here are some of my bucket items:

Buy a second home in Arizona
Write and publish a book
Become a Canadian Citizen
Become a grand parent
Go to Italy
Live in another country for a year
Stay married to Kevin
Develop a business from recycled materials
Open a café/bistro/restaurant
Go to Greece
Eat at The Laundry restaurant in Napa
Learn to drive a standard
Learn to golf
Go to Charleston, SC
Receive the Order of Canada

Some of the items on my husband’s list are a bit more interesting:

Drive the Alaska highway
Learn to blow glass
Learn to tile
Take singing lessons
Watch a space shuttle launch in-person

This is a work-in-progress and it is interesting to see how the project evolves with the more time I spend on it.

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