Tuesday 13 December 2011

Sometimes it’s hard to be Merry!

When I look at the calendar I know it is Christmas soon but this year I am
having a hard time getting in the mood. I love the idea of Christmas but I feel that every year we get further and further away from the true meaning of Christmas. I only feel annoyance when I try to negotiate the jam packed aisles in the stores and if I hear 'Jingle Bells" one more time I might cry.

How much can we possibly cram into December? In addition to going to work and taking kids to regularly scheduled activities there are now also Christmas concerts in every child's grade, baking, gift shopping and wrapping, company parties for you and your spouse and tree decorating. Some people even manage to write Christmas cards to everyone they know and to mail parcels to faraway lands.

All I want for Christmas is for my family to be together, to have turkey and to get the almond hidden in the Danish rice pudding that we have for dessert. That’s it, that’s all I want…. and world peace of course!

I will put up a tree today that my friend guilted me into buying last night and I will decorate it today with my daughter’s help. I will buy gifts for everyone but really on the inside I feel for and pray for all the people I know who are just trying to get through this time of year.

Several people with financial problems, a former tenant who broke her back when she slipped in the bath tub, a neighbor battling cancer and a friend trying to decide if she should leave her husband or stay for the sake of the kids.

This year I will make an effort to get to Church for a Christmas service (I am also very annoyed that it is not called Christmas anymore, don’t wish me a happy holiday o.k. - its CHRISTMAS) and maybe I will find what I am looking for there.

I will count my blessings on Christmas Eve and be grateful for all the things that are not for sale like LOVE, FRIENDS, HEALTH and FAMILY.

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