Wednesday 24 August 2011

I love Creston!

This week-end I was busy Making Memories with a friend as we drove to Creston, BC. We both needed to get away and since it is blueberry season it made sense to go to Creston. I have loved Creston since the first time I went there to visit. Fresh fruit and vegetables are for sale everywhere in this small town and with its wonderful climate anything will grow here.

We left early on Saturday and drove to Cranbrook where we stopped for our picnic lunch and for dessert we had ice cream at "Two Scoop Steve’s". We had no idea of where we were going to stay that evening - the only plans we had were for lunch on Sunday at the Skimmerhorn Winery. We drove ‘up the lake’ to Crawford Bay and found a great place to stay, had dinner and toasted each other with lemoncello after a walk on the beach.

Sunday morning it was off to the Farm to pick blueberries which was not as much fun as I though it was going to be. We picked a few and then decided to buy the rest. At the Blueberry Patch all berries are hand picked which is something I will appreciate every time I use them. I bought 25 pounds of blueberries, completely ignoring the fact that I don’t have a deep freezer.

Then off to Skimmerhorn Winery for lunch and wine tasting which was an amazing experience. The weather was perfect, our table was shaded by a huge maple tree overlooking the vineyard and the service by Rachel was delightful. The food was equally amazing, I had the bistro strip-loin with potato cakes and vegetables with a glass of the Marechal Foch which I like so much. For dessert we had the Black Forest Pot de Crème which was also perfect.

We purchased wine to take home and I am thrilled to be able to get wine that is made this close to home.

One last stop at a local farm to buy huge Lapin cherries – I am not really a cherry person but the Lapins should have their own category of fruit – big, juicy and sweet. I didn’t have to worry about freezer space for these burgundy rounds of perfection as I ate most of them on the way home and I had just enough berries left to fill two Mason jars. I tucked a vanilla bean in each jar and then poured brandy over them. Now I get to wait 4 weeks to see if these drunken cherries are as awesome as I expect.

Just heard that the peaches are ready in two weeks – who wants to go?

Friday 19 August 2011

Road Trip

“Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day”.

My ‘work’ has been challenging lately and after prolonged periods of problems it can be difficult to see the good stuff in life but it is there, it always is!

How you bounce back from what life throws you is what is important. A positive attitude is a good start but a good support network is essential too.

This is what I have to remind myself of every day:

DON’T COMPLAIN! Complaining can become a habit and once you start to focus on the negative, suddenly that is all you see.

None of my loved ones are sick, I am surrounded by people who love me, I have good friends, it is summer, it is blueberry season!

I am going on a road trip with a friend to Creston, BC to bring home a couple of cases of blueberries to freeze which is now a tradition. Frozen food is often as good or better than fresh as the product is usually processed immediately after being harvested. 'Fresh' fruit and produce often have a long journey to get to us which can deplete the nutrients in the food.

I am preparing a picnic lunch consisting of homemade bread with egg salad, a bottle of red wine, a big bag of ginger cookies and a bottle of Lemoncello packed on ice.

We are having dinner at the winery which is located right in Creston and we will sample some of their wines and hopefully bring some home. Red wine from Creston is probably the closest I can get to local.

Sunday 14 August 2011

A perfect dinner

Yesterday I spent most of the day in the kitchen which might seem strange as it was 28 degrees outside but it’s what I felt like doing and I had several recipes I wanted to try.

I started out by baking 4 loaves of rye bread which I do twice a month now, so healthy and delicious and the kids don’t complain about it being too ‘grainy’. Bread does not take a long time to make but it does require you be home for a period of time which makes it perfect for a Saturday when you can do other things in between. By reading through the recipe, I know that from start to eat is 6 hours which includes time for the bread to cool.

At noon I found out that all the kids would be home for dinner so I decided to try the recipe for bacon jam that I had seen on Dinner with Julie awhile ago. Bacon jam is maybe not the best word for it but the ‘jam’ refers to the consistency and it was delicious and a perfect topping for hamburgers.

While reading Julie’s blog I came across a beautiful movie made by Todd and Diane of which is a tribute to Jennifer Perillo who lost her husband last week and reading the story reminded me again of how it really is later than we think – Monday Jennifer was canning peaches and that same afternoon she was widowed at age 40. She later wrote on her blog that it was her wish that her readers would make her husband’s favorite pie and share it with their loved ones. When I told my daughter we were having a peanut butter pie for dessert she asked “is it the one for Mikey?”, I then realized how far reaching the food blogging community is.

So for dinner we had hamburgers topped with avocado slices and bacon jam together with a tomato basil quinoa salad and for dessert a peanut butter pie – all super easy to make which makes it perfect for company.

Friday 12 August 2011

Quick dinner

It has been a crazy couple of weeks in the real estate business and except for a wonderful family party this week-end I haven’t cooked much. Last night was another example of how expensive convenience is as we ended up ordering pizza. $42 later we had dinner and I was very disappointed in myself because I could have make an awesome dinner had I thought of this family favorite.

Dinner will be ready in half an hour – cost $12

Chicken enchiladas and Spanish rice

1 chicken breast
1 cup of salsa
1 cup sour cream
1 cup monteray jack cheese (or mozzarella)
Large flour tortillas

Package of Spanish rice which cooks in 10 minutes

Cook the chicken and chop and mix with salsa, sour cream and shredded cheese. Place on tortilla and roll carefully and place seam side down in dish. Microwave for two minutes and then spread more salsa and cheese on top and cook for another 2 minutes.

If you use medium salsa it will be spicier and you can use mozzarella cheese instead of Monterey Jack.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Why I love real estate

I have been a real estate investor for 8 years now and have been through the good times and the bad times and I have learned a lot.

Being a landlord is hard work, it is a job and if you already have a job it’s even more complicated because issues usually come up at the most inconvenient time. I have had my share of problems lately but I must say that with the financial meltdown occurring throughout the world, I am falling in love with real estate all over again. A house is something tangible, if you can’t sell it, you can rent it.

Many of us have watched our investments and retirement savings almost being cut in half over the last few years and as soon as things looked like they might improve we are hit with another world wide crisis that we have no control over.

During the good times, buying real estate was very easy as the value often kept going up and you could then re-finance the property, take the equity out and use that as the down payment on the next house and so on. That is not as easy now as banks are now more careful and have tightened their lending rules but if you have good credit it is still possible.

The single most important thing is to recognize when opportunity knocks, there are lots of houses being sold below value for various reasons (divorce, job transfer or estate sale) and it is often said in real estate that you make your money the day you buy.

The second thing to keep in mind that it is a business and must be treated as one. Document everything, keep track of expenses which are tax deductable and respond to tenant’s issues immediately. If you are flipping a house, have a budget from the start and stick to it.

You can still keep building your real estate empire once you have reached your credit limit by getting a partner or by getting a private mortgage from the seller. This is a business with endless possibilities and a business that anyone can enter if the desire and commitment is there.

Our goal was to buy a house every year for 10 years and then upon retirement, selling one every year for ten years but that didn’t quite work out unless we count one 8-plex as eight purchases, then we are ahead of our own schedule.

I could write a book about what to do and what not to do but as there are many on the subject already, I may yet do this myself. One of the best in my opinion is “The Guide to Real Estate in Canada” by Don R. Campbell.

If you want to talk about real estate, please contact me at