Friday 19 August 2011

Road Trip

“Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day”.

My ‘work’ has been challenging lately and after prolonged periods of problems it can be difficult to see the good stuff in life but it is there, it always is!

How you bounce back from what life throws you is what is important. A positive attitude is a good start but a good support network is essential too.

This is what I have to remind myself of every day:

DON’T COMPLAIN! Complaining can become a habit and once you start to focus on the negative, suddenly that is all you see.

None of my loved ones are sick, I am surrounded by people who love me, I have good friends, it is summer, it is blueberry season!

I am going on a road trip with a friend to Creston, BC to bring home a couple of cases of blueberries to freeze which is now a tradition. Frozen food is often as good or better than fresh as the product is usually processed immediately after being harvested. 'Fresh' fruit and produce often have a long journey to get to us which can deplete the nutrients in the food.

I am preparing a picnic lunch consisting of homemade bread with egg salad, a bottle of red wine, a big bag of ginger cookies and a bottle of Lemoncello packed on ice.

We are having dinner at the winery which is located right in Creston and we will sample some of their wines and hopefully bring some home. Red wine from Creston is probably the closest I can get to local.

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