Friday 18 March 2011

Do Something

“Midlife is when you reach the top of the ladder and find it’s leaning against the wrong wall”

It’s tragic when someone sacrifices years of his life, his friendships, his family – sometimes even his health – pursuing goals that are ultimately unfulfilling.

Be grateful if you realized this in time to do something about it!  This weekend start moving towards a greater life.  Go to the book store or the library to get books and start researching your area of interest.  Contact  a university or college and at least find out what would be involved in going back to school.  Go look at cheaper/smaller houses and see what’s available in a lower price range.  Go for a drive to a small town if you think that is the lifestyle you would like.  Start a Book of Possibilities like Queen Latifah's character did in the movie Last Holiday where you keep the information you gather and where you can jot down ideas as you get them.  If you want to start your own business, make sure you have a business plan in as much detail as possible.  Go to a travel agency and pick up brochures if a trip is high on your list of priorities.   Cook something this week-end and count your blessings!

Here are some great jobs that are currently available in Claresholm:
 Any comments, contact me at


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