Sunday 20 March 2011

Pretty Healthy?

Describing yourself as 'Pretty Healthy' falls somewhere in between doing absolutely nothing for your health and, on the other side, virtually obsessing about your health.  Just remember that everything and anything that you do counts: that's the point.  Keep trying to find something that works for you and your family.  Think of it as quitting smoking: you wouldn't tell someone who didn't make it the first time to just give up, would you? 
  1. Be a vegetarian until 5 p.m.
  2. Get a massage.
  3. Have a complete check up with your doctor every year.
  4. Know your cholesterol numbers.
  5. Vitamin D - should you take some?
  6. Teach your kids to cook!
  7. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night this week.
  8. Wear sunscreen every day.
  9. Eat wild salmon this week.
  10. Buy yourself some flowers today.

Add these to the 10 hints from last week and consider this a good beginning.  Contact me at

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