Sunday 13 March 2011

It All Adds Up

“If you don’t take time for your health now, you will have to take time to be sick later”

Everything counts, start with these 10 ideas and add ten new ones every week. 
  1. Weight yourself today – write down the number and don’t allow yourself to get heavier!
  2. Take a multi vitamin every day
  3. Read a book this week
  4. Drink green tea every day
  5. Don’t watch TV for any longer than you exercised today
  6. Love Your Tribe – make family a high priority
  7. Drink a glass of tomato juice everyday  – it prevents wrinkles!
  8. Go for a walk everyday regardless of the weather
  9. Eat a banana every day
  10. Learn to bake bread
Let me know how you did with these suggestions.  Please contact me at

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