Monday 14 March 2011

The Power of Now

Spiritual author Eckhart Tolle wrote that when people realized that he was a happy and contented person they would come up to him and say:  “I want what you have.  Can you give it to me, or show me how to get it?” and he would say “You have it already.  You just can’t feel it because your mind is making too much noise.”  How profound is that?  Read more for yourself from his book "The Power of Now".

Why would you need a stranger to point out all the 'good stuff' that you have achieved and have going on in your life?  Try LOVING where you are now.

Do you find yourself dreaming or wishing for things you don’t have: A bigger or nicer house or is the one you are currently living in good enough?  Do you wish for a new car or new furniture?  All these things require money and money is what we trade our time for.  If you have a job you trade your time on this earth for money.  If you stop working then the money stops too.

Focus on learning to be content with what you have and don't always wish for more.
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