Sunday 27 March 2011

Financial Health

How is your financial health? Is your income adequate to support your existing lifestyle? Your desired lifestyle?

It is fairly easy to establish in a hurry – have a look at your bank balance, do you use overdraft and do you have a balance on your credit card? If you do, ask yourself “why?” The answer is probably that you spend more than you make every month and you have to borrow money from YOUR future to live right now.

Getting spending under control and to decide what you should spend money on is often a struggle for many people. Most of us have everything we need but the problem is that we constantly want more instead of being content with what we have. Why is that?

Alexander Green, author of argueably one of the best books I have ever read, The Secret of Shelter Island says that “reasonable, affordable consumption means less struggle, less debt, less hassles and less stress. It grants us more time – and with it the opportunity for new experiences, better relationships, and greater personal freedom”.

It is easier to spend less than to earn more so as of now I will question every expense carefully. Will the decision to spend add to the quality of my life or will it create more stress?

Plan today to spend NOTHING except for groceries and fuel for your vehicle for the next 7 days and keep track of how you manage. Did it work? Could you delay the spending or did you avoid places that would require money?

Try it for a week and then another, delay spending at all cost for awhile until you get an idea of where the money is going.

Comments?  Contact me at

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