Tuesday 22 March 2011

Good bye Cam

Today Claresholm will say good bye to a young man who grew up here and died recently in New Zealand. The grief felt by all of his young friends has been quite an eye opener as a lot of these boys have never really dealt with anything like this before. I have watched my son trying to deal with Cam’s death this past week and can already see a difference in him and his attitude to life.

Yesterday we went out to buy him a suit and a tie for the funeral today and as I watch my son all somber and serious, I am again overwhelmed with sadness for Cam’s family. As a parent I am struggling with the urge to protect and discourage my son from doing anything that could cause him harm but also wanting him to experience life in his own way. Bad things happen every day I know, but it sure is different when it happens to someone close to you.

How to keep our loved one’s safe and happy? Do we pray or hope for the best? I think I will do both, just in case.

Cam was 19 years old!

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