Wednesday 29 June 2011

Are you busy?

“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants.
The question is: what are we busy doing?”
Henry David Thoreau

I just came across an article by Elizabeth Withey that I saved in 2006 because it really made an impression on me. I did make several changes in my life at that time but it is so easy to become too busy again. I will now always choose to spend time with family and friends instead of doing chores or other mundane tasks. The house cleaning can wait and so can the laundry. Grocery shopping – there is always tomorrow.

Ms. Withey points out that it seems that the word ‘busy’ has replaced the word 'stressed' as busy suggests something more positive. “Busy – with its suggestion of ambition, production and energy – sounds much better. You’re busy? Wow. You must be going places.” But what are we so busy doing?

It is o.k. to work less, earn less, achieve less, want less and own less – Prioritize. Choose carefully how to spend your time.

I can also confirm Ms. Withey's statement that when you are sitting in the nursing home, sipping warm prune juice, you will ask yourself "what was I so busy doing?" - this is most seniors biggest regret.

Next time I say that I am too busy to do something fun or spend time with a friend, stop me and say “so are the ants” and I will try to snap out of it.

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