Saturday 4 June 2011

Is your life good enough?

If you have a family, a home and money in the bank, experts say you have the most important things in life but it seems that a lot of us strive for more. When will we be happy? It is important to slow down and ask yourself that question and listen to the answer. Is it “when I get that promotion”, or ”when I lose weight”, “when I get a new house” or “when the kids leave home” that life will be better?

Are you happy right now? I think it is a simple question, either “yes” or “no”. If it is “yes” – good, but if it is “no” you have to figure out why.

Happiness will never be attained if we keep raising the bar every time we accomplish a goal. Celebrate your accomplishments now and do not constantly replace them with new ones.

It is o.k. to live a ‘good enough’ life - being healthy, solvent and connected to good friends is what it’s all about.

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