Friday 24 June 2011

The Big Picture

Your life is like a canvas, in the centre is you and from there you fill in the rest of the canvas with what you want from life, you decide how big it will be. How big can you think?

We really need to ask ourselves a lot of questions about what we want out of life and how to get it. Where do we come from? What kind of baggage do we carry with us? What is it that will make us happy? If we made a mistake, how do we fix it?

The nice thing about a canvas is that you can start over at any time. When you are younger the canvas has not been filled in yet but 20 years later it gets pretty full of events that has happened, both good and bad.

If you are even a little bit artistic this could be a very interesting picture and for the rest of us it is just for our own use. Get out a piece of paper and start filling it in, with you in the center and then all the past and future events surrounding you. A diploma, a horse, first car, house, dog, husband, kids, trips (mine has an elephant representing my dream of a safari), owning your own business, a train and an airplane. You can sprinkle the picture with hearts, rainbows, flowers, mountains and sunrays - all the things that make you happy. It is your picture/life - you decide what its going to look like!

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