Wednesday 15 June 2011

You can't cram on the farm

I am reading “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey and I really like this quote “You can’t cram on the farm”. He goes on to explain how ridiculous the concept of cramming on a farm is. “To forget to plant in the spring, play all summer and then cram in the fall to bring in the harvest. The farm is a natural system, the price must be paid and the process followed. You always reap what you sow; there is no shortcut”.

This is the point of planning – In trying to follow my 30-60-90 day plan I can be reasonably assured that my chosen priorities and tasks will be done by a certain time. If I give the task priority, it will get done. The only obstacle to this plan is me, I decide if I really want to do something or not.

Change takes time and the bigger changes often takes more time but that is o.k. – the point is to start and to decide to follow through then whatever it is you want to accomplish will happen.

You can contact me at if you have any comments.

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