Monday 6 June 2011

Message in a Movie

I watched a delightful movie yesterday called “She’s having a baby” starring Kevin Bacon and was not sure what to expect with a title like that. The movie is about a young couple living in the suburbs and the main character starts to feel that there is something missing in his life. His friend tries to tell him that his life is dull and boring and slowly he starts to believe it.

He is unhappy at work and feels that he had to settle into an unfulfilling job in order to buy a house. He is unsure about his relationship and even starts to toy with the idea of having an affair after his wife starts to talk about having a baby. Struggling with fertility problems they do eventually become pregnant and when something goes terribly wrong during the delivery he finally gets the message – he has been selfish and has not been contributing to the relationship. He says: “I took more than I gave, I was loved more than I loved, I was trusted more that I trusted and what I was looking for was not the be found but to be made”.

Why is it so hard to be content with what we already have? Do we only value something if it is about to be taken away?

Try counting your blessings every day for a week (write it down) and then after 7 days look at the list of all the good stuff in your life. You are probably pretty blessed!

You can contact me at if you have any comments.

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